

  • Platform review, analysis and recommendations

  • Team review, analysis and recommendations

  • Customer research and analysis

  • UX and UI design

  • Team augmentation, project management & development

  • Upskill and education of your internal team

  • Roadmap and prioritisation of initiatives according to value


Get in touch with us about your requirements or read more about our Strategic Direction, Solution Design and Implementation Support services.

Our Approach to Customer Communication

Customer communication is key to the success of any business, so when it comes time to implement or review a comms platform there are many things you need to consider.

Take for example, your customers’ preferences for how they are communicated to, what about, and how often. You need to not only cater for those individual preferences, but also analyse their effectiveness. You’ll need to consider how you will facilitate distributed content curation, how to tag customers to ensure they get the right communications and plan your communications strategy carefully across triggered, transactional and promotional emails.

Generally speaking, emails from the brand to all customers (who are opted in) are considered to be promotional. Emails from the brand to some customers based on attributes are segmented. Communications from someone to some customers are generally part of a triggered journey sequence (such as customer service or transactional communications) while one to one communications are regarded as notifications.

Once you have those planned, you need to review the platform you propose to use to ensure it is robust enough to handle your comms strategy. Similarly, if you are pondering whether to keep the platform you have, it’s worth looking at whether you are utilising it to its full capacity. If not, should you be and how will you make it work for every dollar you spend on it? Or alternatively, if there are features there you don’t need now, or won’t in the foreseeable future, then why are you paying all that money for it? You might be best opting for a more lightweight and nimble solution that will prove to be more cost effective, and plug it in to other supporting systems like a CDP to make it work for you.